PROGRAM (applications closed)

Solar Innovation Program 2024


The Solar Innovation Program (SIP), launched by New Energy Nexus Philippines in 2021, is an annual initiative aimed at boosting the competitiveness of solar PV installers, EPCs, and solar equipment suppliers in the dynamic energy sector. This is a hybrid program (5 weeks) for solar PV installers, EPCs, and solar equipment suppliers focused on scaling their solar business.

For the past two years, SIP has successfully operated in a hybrid format, offering a blend of face-to-face and online sessions to maximize engagement and learning.

Who can apply

  • Any solar PV business or enterprise (installation, EPC, supplier) that operates in the Philippines
  • Has secured and installed a Solar PV system to at least one client
  • Must be operational for at least six months
  • Has installed no more than 100 kW total
  • Looking to grow their business
  • Can commit at least two hours per week for five weeks

Program Benefits:

Solar Entrepreneur Training

The program features seminars, learning sessions, and workshops aimed at providing solar entrepreneurs.

In-depth market insights and growth opportunities

A comprehensive understanding of the solar landscape, market dynamics, opportunities for innovation, growth, and expanding solar energy distribution in the Philippines.

Build your


2 in-person bootcamps

10 online bootcamps

3 site visits

12 mentoring sessions

(45 mins/session)/each enterprise

Grants distribution



17 AUG 2024

WEEK 0: Program Kick-off

22 AUG 2024

WEEK 1: (online)

OpenSolar: The latest digital solutions in Philippine Solar Space

A Starter’s Guide to Marketing Your Solar Business

29 AUG 2024

WEEK 2: (online)

Negotiation skills and understanding Solar Finance

Financing and insurance for Solar

5 SEP 2024

WEEK 3: (online)

Transitioning from residential to C&I clients

28 SEP 2024

WEEK 4 (in-person)

SIP 2024 Closing Proposal presentations, Feedback, Networking